Matchstic Radically Relevant

We simplified the treatment, shape and colorway of the existing symbol to perform better across all use cases. Additionally, we expanded the meaning of the X as two exchanging arrows. Using a 3D version of the symbol, we created dimensional textures and ambient backgrounds.

Drawing inspiration from ideas like financial growth and physical patterns on checks, we added several graphic expressions to the visual system to help the in-house team more successfully extend the brand across required touch points.

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The color palettes used in marketing and the product itself had little overlap, creating a disjointed customer experience. To establish a more seamless blend, we pulled out AvidXchange’s legacy blue to serve as the primary color, then merged the palettes in a way that felt unified. This new master palette features a broad spectrum of tints and blue shades to offer a range of cohesive colors for a variety of uses.

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To achieve a new style of illustration for the brand, we sourced possible illustration partners. Putting our vision together with Haley Tippman's talents provided AvidXchange a new bank of spot illustrations. These assets, along with a new photography direction convey AvidXchange’s warmth and approachability in an often cold fintech landscape.

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With an updated catalog of dynamic assets, we formed robust brand guidelines with supplemental mini style guides, from employer branding to environmental applications. These context-specific guidelines empower AvidXchange’s teams so that they can successfully tell the brand’s story across all mediums and evolve it as the business grows.

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